IT之家 2 月 8 日消息 据外媒报道,特斯拉购买了价值 15 亿美元的比特币,受此消息影响,比特币短线拉升至 43000 美元以上创历史新高,日涨幅最高接近 12%。因此,比特币市值已升至全球市值资产第 8 位,超越 Facebook,仅次于特斯拉。




In January 2021, we updated our investment policy to provide us with more flexibility to further diversify and maximize returns on our cash that is not required to maintain adequate operating liquidity. As part of the policy, which was duly approved by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors, we may invest a portion of such cash in certain alternative reserve assets including digital assets, gold bullion, gold exchange-traded funds and other assets as specified in the future. Thereafter, we invested an aggregate $1.50 billion in bitcoin under this policy and may acquire and hold digital assets from time to time or long-term. Moreover, we expect to begin accepting bitcoin as a form of payment for our products in the near future, subject to applicable laws and initially on a limited basis, which we may or may not liquidate upon receipt.

此前受五部门联合约谈特斯拉影响盘前股价有所下跌,但经过该消息轰炸之后有所回升。截至发稿,特斯拉盘前涨 2.19%。
